Posts Tagged ‘Contract Signed!’

The final fate of The Light Side of the Moon….

Good News!

The Light Side of the Moon’s rewrite and new artwork was accepted and will be published by 48Fourteen sometime in 2015! I signed the Publishing Agreement on Sunday. 


Due to overpopulation, lack of natural resources, no public education, and a surplus of political bickering, Earth is a cesspool and our solar system’s  colonies have failed. Nevertheless, outside our solar system, exploration has thrived.

Encouraged by the conquest of Kipos, idealistic dreamers look beyond Earth to build a utopia from the abandoned Lunar Colony Serenitatis. Industrialists reconstruct the colony, but struggle to turn a profit while encouraging scientific discovery.

Brimming with hope amid intense uncertainty and physical hardships, the excommunicated eleven-year-old child bride Ella follows rumors of plentiful jobs on the moon. On roads fraught with danger, she discovers Earth is a bigger place than she ever knew. Lunar Colony Serenitatis is little more than a prison colony. Ella forges unlikely friendships with corrupted androids and the idealistic prison doctor, Ian Whitlatch, who champions equality and rights for inmates. Amid riots and corruption, tragedy and victory, the fate of the colony hangs perilously in the balance.

The editor loved the artwork, but wanted the lettering changed on the cover once these details are nailed down, I’ll be scheduling a cover reveal soon.


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